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Hitex Development Tools

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MCS(R) 51/151/251 Microcontrollers Classic
12/11/96 1:35:00 PM

Vendor Information

Tool Description:

The MX8051 emulator offers power debugging for Intel 8051 microcontrollers at a reasonable cost. All Hitex products use the same operating software, HiTOP, reducing the learning curve when switching from product to product.
The MX8051 offers non-intrusive real-time emulation of the target under test. No cycle-stealing, wait-state introduction or stopping of the CPU occurs. Asynchronous on-the-fly accesses are a standard feature and even breakpoints can be set/unset during running emulation. An internal op-code decoder enables triggering on internal CPU events in real-time such as a read or write to an internal memory address.
Breakpoints stop the emulation before executing the instruction where the break-point is set. They can be set in ROM as well as writable memory locations.
The Special Function Registers of the processor are displayed in plain English rather than bit patterns or hexadecimal codes. The need to consult data books or decode obscure codes is eliminated. These registers are easily changed within HiTOP with mouse clicks and the user is prompted with the possible choices.
Complicated data structures are easily followed by merely clicking on the structure¦s name. Structures within structures may be displayed by continuing this process. The debugging process is greatly simplified using this process.
Sophisticated filtering mechanisms for the trace function allow a smaller trace memory to be used freeing up resources for other important emulator features. Processor cycles are stored in terms of the High Level Language source lines. A minimum of trace memory (only two frames per line) are used no matter how complicated the line is. Trace recording using the Raw Cycles Method is still available. Benefits are the ease of finding problem areas with respect to your source code and the trace regions and trace filtering features that are made possible with this Hitex system.

Tool Features:

  • Op-Code Decoder Triggers on Internal Events

  • On-The-Fly Accesses - Standard Feature

  • Special Function Registers Displayed in English

  • HiTOP for Windows User Interface

  • Supporting many 8051 Compilers

  • Real-Time Emulation Up to 42 Mhz

  • Low Voltage Support

  • Banking Support - Up to 16 Banks

  • Supports all Intel 8051 Microcontrollers

  • Sophisticated Trace Recording Using HLL Lines

  • Development Platform(s):

    DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT

    File Attachments:

    44.PDF - Electronic catalog page

    Supported Device Detail Matrix:

    Part & Package


    8XC3X - 40ldPDIP
    8XC3X - 44ldPLCC
    8XC3X - 44ldQFP
    8XC5X - 40ldCerDIP
    8XC5X - 40ldPDIP
    8XC5X - 44ldPLCC
    8XC5X - 44ldQFP


    Vendor Information:

    Hitex Development Tools

    Greschbachstr. 12
    Karlsruhe , D-76229
    (+49) 721 9628 133

    Email :
    Fax : (+49) 721 9628 149
    URL :

    Contact the vendor above for the latest Distributor information

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